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LivrosLivrosLegacy Book

Legacy Book

- Cód: 311240146

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Descrição do produto

Legacy book is a simple do-it-yourself book designed for families to pass down for generations. Simply answer questions for each of the 9 chapters about YOUR life. Upon completion of the book, it can be gifted or given to family members to cherish and continue to pass down the family tree. Our mission through these books is to preserve and organize some of your memories, life lessons, interests, and life events. Keep in mind this book is not just a reflection of your life, but a tool to look forward for whats to come. Think about it, what do you know about your great-great grandparents? Just as anyone else, you would probably love to know more about them. Please give your family the gift of LEGACY. Your children, grandchildren and so on will be very grateful you did.